龍佑機械(xiè) 用心·專注(zhù)·專心用質量打造升降機械良心企業


當前(qián)位置(zhì):首頁 » 吉林(lín)升降(jiàng)機工作人員作業(yè)規範是啥?


文章出處:www.baowen.cc 責任編輯:admin 人(rén)氣:1981 發表(biǎo)時間:2017-01-13 10:22:30

1.吉林(lín)升降機工作人員(yuán)應遵守“安全生産、人人有責”的原則。所有升降機(jī)作業(yè)的相關人員、部門必須加強法制觀念,認真執行國家(jiā)和企業規定的有(yǒu)關安全生産、勞動保護政策、規(guī)定等,嚴格遵守安全技術操作規程和各項安全生産規章制(zhì)度。Jilin elevator staff should comply with the "safety, responsibility" principle. Related personnel, all of the elevator operation Department must strengthen the concept of law, conscientiously implement the provisions of the state and enterprises related to production safety, labor protection policies and regulations, strictly abide by the safety operation regulation and safety regulations. 
2.施工(gōng)時,凡不符合安全生産(chǎn)要求的,存在事故隐患的,吉林(lín)升降機作業人員有責任向上級報告,直到消除事故隐患。各(gè)企業施工領導(dǎo)者對存在事故隐(yǐn)患應十分重視并及時解決(jué)。 When construction, where does not meet the safety requirements, there are hidden dangers of accidents, Jilin elevator operators have the responsibility to report to the higher authorities, until the elimination of hidden dangers. Construction leaders of enterprises should attach great importance to the existence of hidden dangers and timely solution. 

3.在進行高空作業時必須紮(zhā)好安全帶,戴(dài)好安(ān)全帽,不準穿硬(yìng)底鞋,嚴禁投擲(zhì)工具(jù)、材料物件。  對于未能遵守規則(zé)的吉(jí)林升降機工作人(rén)員不得上崗作業。In the high-altitude work must be a good safety belt, wear a helmet, not allowed to wear hard soled shoes, prohibited throwing tools, material objects. For the failure to comply with the rules of the Jilin elevator workers shall not work.

4.工作前,必須按規定穿戴(dài)好防護用(yòng)品,女工要把發辮放入帽(mào)内。檢查設備和工作場地,排除(chú)故障和隐患;保證安(ān)全防護、保險裝置齊全、靈敏、可靠;保持設(shè)備潤(rùn)滑(huá)及通風良好,不準(zhǔn)帶小孩子進入工作(zuò)場所,不準穿拖鞋、赤腳赤膊、敞衣、不準酒後上班作業。Before work, must be required to wear protective equipment, do put the tress into the cap. Check the equipment and the work site, troubleshooting and dangers; ensure safety protection, safety device is complete, sensitive and reliable; keep the equipment lubrication and good ventilation, are not allowed to take the children into the workplace, are not allowed to wear slippers, barefoot and shirtless open clothing, do not drink to work.  

5.吉林升降機施(shī)工作業(yè)中,應集中(zhōng)精力(lì),堅守崗位,不準擅自把自己的工作交給他人(rén)。Jilin elevator construction operations, should focus on, stick to their posts, are not allowed to give their work to others. 

6.吉林升降機作業時,發生(shēng)重大事故或未遂事故時,要及時搶救,保護現場并立即報告領導(dǎo)和上級領導機關。Jilin elevator operation, when a major accident or attempted accident, to timely rescue, protect the scene and immediately report to the leadership and higher authorities.

以上幾點是(shì)吉林升降機作業相關人員需遵守的職責,每位施工人員應認真實行,保障作業安全順利的完成。The above points are related to the lifting of the work of Jilin staff to comply with the responsibilities of each construction personnel should be carefully implemented to ensure the smooth completion of the work safety.




